Tuesday afternoon entertainment

  Our residents always enjoy listening to one of our regular entertainers, Joel Scigliano! Music can really warm upĀ  one of our coldest winter days.

Happy Halloween

We had a great time celebrating Halloween with our Trick or Treat on Monday! Lots of family members and staff brought their kids to enjoy the fun.

Lots of Dogs at MSJ!

Everyone enjoyed the nine dogs who visited Mount St. Joseph and took part in our fun Dog Show. We even had an ice-cream eating contest (for the dogs, of course).

We love our Rehab Team!

Last week we celebrated National Rehabilitation Awareness Week, so we took a picture of our fabulous team. Our residents and patients have accesss to a great group of professionals.

A Visit from the Bishop

We had a wonderful time when Bishop Malesic and members of the Catholic Community Foundation visited Mount St. Joseph on August 28th. The weather cooperated and we had a nice […]

Carnival Games!

On Friday, our wonderful nurse Kelly organized a carnival for our residents. We had several games located throughout our activity room, and everyone won prizes! We also had root beer […]